Monday, March 26, 2007

Tobacco Industry

De: Dr. Marty Otanez [] Enviada em: segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2007 02:21Para: GLOBALink International AffairsAssunto: Videos and Etymology of the word "tobacco industry"

Hi:Do any members or friends of GLOBALink have copies of the videotapes below that I could obtain for a research project on tobacco industry videos and tobacco economics? I am a postdoctoral fellow working with Professor Stanton Glantz at the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the University of California, San Francisco.Also, I am creating an etymology/history of the word “tobacco industry” for a different research project on global tobacco control policymaking. Please send me the definition of the word “tobacco industry” that you or your organization subscribes to. Definitions in English and any other language would be helpful.Thanks in advance for your time and efforts.Marty Otanezmartin.otanez@ucsf.eduwww.tobaccoworkers.comblog: www.sidewalkradio.net1. Tobacco in Developing Countries (Philip Morris, 1981)2. Tobacco-nomics (Philip Morris, 1981) 3. Vom Gold das Wachst [Gold that Grows](Verband der Cigarettenindustrie [trade organization for the tobacco industry in Germany], 1979)4. Gringo Amigo (Verband der Cigarettenindustrie [trade organization for the tobacco industry in Germany], 1979)5. Progress Not Promises (Philip Morris International, 1981 [est.])

Global Smoke Free Partnership :: pledge

Global Smoke Free Partnership :: pledge
100 day countdown for smokefree: Take 5 minutes to have your voice heard
From: Ms. Sandra Tavares moreira []
Today Friday, March 23, 2007 marks the 100 day countdown to the second Conference of the Parties (CoP-2) of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) which will meet in Bangkok, Thailand from 29th June until July 6th, 2007. At CoP-2, parties to the treaty will consider and possibly adopt guidelines on the implementation of Article 8 to provide protection against secondhand smoke. These guidelines should serve as best practices for countries in the implementation of their smokefree air laws.
In the lead up to the Conference of the Parties, the Global Smokefree Partnership is launching a Global Voices Campaign to gain and secure support from countries for strong and effective Article 8 Guidelines.
Please join the Global Voices Campaign by adding your Voice and supporting the Campaigns’ Principles (pls. see below). The Global Voices Campaign Principles will be presented to delegates at the COP-2 meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.
You can sign on as an individual, or on behalf of your organisation. Here is the link for signing on to the campaign online: If you want to become more involved in the campaign, there is an option on the website to let us know. Please also tell your friends and colleagues about the campaign (link available).
If you have questions or comments, please mail us at
Looking forward to hearing your voice!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Systematic Review: Smoking Cessation

De: Marcelo Gustavo Colominas []
Enviada em: sábado, 24 de março de 2007 22:03
Assunto: Revisión sistemática de las estrategias para dejar de fumar en adultos y en poblaciones especiales de adultos
Marcelo G. Colominas

Monday, March 19, 2007

Where the tobacco money went
Money from a major tobacco settlement went to a lot more than just tobacco programs.
In 1998, 46 state attorneys general and four of the nation's largest tobacco companies reached what became known as a Master Settlement Agreement to dispense with lawsuits from those states seeking to recoup the health care costs of treating smoking-related illness. The deal involved an estimated $200 billion in payments over the first 25 years of the agreement, with payments to continue in perpetuity.
A recent study by the Government Accountability Office concluded that the states received $52.6 billion in payments from the MSA from fiscal 2000 to 2005. States spent the money in the following ways:This information and the accompanying full-text visual aids were drawn from the following source:"Tobacco Settlement: States' Allocation of Payments from Tobacco Companies for Fiscal Years 2000 through 2005," Government Accountability Office, Feb. 27.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Welcome to the web site is a project that set the goal of creating a full encyclopedia of cigarettes.
On everyone can look for any information free of charge (within the scope of what it already contains). You haven't found what you are searching for? Don't be disappointed. Check again on later on. It is very likely that the information you are interested in has already been posted. And you may write an article or two or make some changes in the existing ones just not to get bored while waiting!
However, before you start editing, you should get acquainted with some rules:
Don't place any texts or images protected by the author's rights (copyright). is an encyclopedia and it should comprise neutral articles as far as possible.
If you write an article regarding a vexed question, try to be objective and present different points of view.
If you haven't found answers to your questions in the help� Compartment or you've got any suggestions concerning the cooperation with our project, feel free to contact us by e-mail.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dom Ivo Lorscheiter: Cultura alternativa ao tabaco

Condolências e de Homenagem a Dom Ivo Lorscheiter

Através deste comunicado manifestamos nossas condolências pelo falecimento do Bispo Emérito da Diocese de Santa Maria do Sul/Rio Grande do Sul, Dom Ivo Lorscheiter, falecido aos 79 anos, após dedicação de 41 anos como bispo, totalizando 55 anos de atividades eclesiásticas (para conhecer a bibliografia de Dom Ivo acesse

Reconhecido nacionalmente e internacionalmente pelos seus princípios morais e éticos norteados sempre para dignificar a vida humana, tinha uma trajetória de luta incansável pela justiça social através da universalidade da igreja, da política, do social e da economia, como pontos fundamentais para elevar a melhoria de vida dos excluídos do sistema sócio-econômico. Defensor da Cáritas Brasileira, fundou o Banco da Esperança há 30 anos e o Projeto Esperança e Cooesperança há 20 anos.

Prestamos também nossas homenagens pela sua posição firme e empreendedora com a qual se destacou como pioneiro no Rio Grande do Sul a modificar os paradigmas da cultura do tabaco, disseminando a todos os trabalhadores rurais e seus familiares os efeitos nocivos advindos da fumicultura e sobre a importância de estabelecer culturas alternativas a este plantio. Idealizador dos Seminários de Culturas a Alternativas a Cultura do Tabaco, há 17 anos, conseguiu estabelecer o conceito de economia solidária e a comercialização direta.

Dom Ivo foi o precursor de todo Projeto Esperança-Cooesperança voltado para as alternativas de cultura do tabaco, quando ainda não existia a Convenção-Quadro para o Controle do Tabaco. Hoje o Brasil tem um acordo de defesa e proteção aos fumicultores e um Programa Nacional de Alternativas a Cultura do Tabaco muito espelhado na visão profética e mística de um homem que lutou ate o final pelo bem de toda uma sociedade.

Equipe da Aliança Por um Mundo sem Tabaco

Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada

Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada (PSC) is a national health organization, founded in 1985 as a registered charity. We are a unique organization of Canadian physicians who share one goal: the reduction of tobacco-caused illness through reduced smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke.

PSC provides leadership for the medical profession on tobacco issues. With almost 1,500 members and representation in each region and province of Canada, we are a national voice on tobacco and health.

PSC is funded primarily by grants and contributions, by membership fees and occasionally through donations from corporations.

We work in collaboration with governments, with the Canadian Medical Association and other non-governmental health agencies. PSC is a member of the Canadian Council on Smoking and Health, of the Steering Committee of Health Canada's National Strategy to Reduce Tobacco Use and an active player in the National Campaign for Action on Tobacco.

In 1994 PSC was awarded the Canadian Cardiovascular Society's Dr. Harold N. Segall Award of Merit for our contribution to the prevention of cardiovascular disease in Canada.